Well, I(Carson) thought I would get on here and post a quick update so Tacy will get off my back about only having one post so far. I don't think we really have anything that new for the people that I know of that read our blog. But if there is anyone else that I don't know about, this is for you. We made a trip to Utah a couple of weeks ago. Rochelle's grandparents needed to get up there to take care of a few things and so we got to drive them up there. St. George received us very well because within a few hours of us arriving, it was snowing in St. George. Somehow mother nature must have known that I had been missing the snow.
While we were up there it gave us a chance to work on some of the stuff we needed to get done. I had a chance to make some good contacts for my work with investments. Rochelle and I have also decided that we're going to partner up with a couple of her relatives and give her restaurant another try.. This time we have found a location that is already configured for a restaurant and so we wont have to do any remodeling which is what complicated things the first time. If everything continues to go well, we will be opening in the old "Honolulu Grill" location just off of Riverside Drive. There are a few things that we still need to take care of to make sure that location will work, but hopefully, everything will go smoothly. The restaurant will be patterned after a couple of places that we have down here in Brawley and we'll be open for breakfast and lunch. Originally, when Rochelle was doing this before, it was called "Chellitas", but we think we want to put more of a snack bar/grill twist on it. We have a few ideas that we're leaning towards, but if anyone has a creative mind, I can pass along any ideas to the boss...haha
Anyway, that was pretty much our trip to St. George. We are thinking that we'll go up again soon and get the ball rolling to get all of the needed approvals from the city and such. I'll be sure to let everyone know when we get back up there for good and when our opening day will be so you can grab all of your friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, strangers, etc. and bring them on over to taste some of Rochelle's delicious cooking.